Category: Uncategorized
How to Search Shops
It can be difficult to search and find shops on The Village with our current platform. We are working towards moving to a new platform that will hopefully be more user friendly, but in the mean time, here are a few tips on how to search for shops/vendors on The Village. I hope it is helpful!
Option 1: First, click on “View All” under the featured shops on the home page. You may need to scroll down a bit to find it. On desk top you need to scroll down and look on the right side of the screen.

Next, click the “filter” button.

When you click the filter button a menu will open. Type the name of the shop you are looking for in the “search vendor” box. You must type the name exactly as it is. If you are not sure what the correct name is, try searching one correct word. This search seems to work best if the filter settings are not adjusted, so just leave them set like the following picture. Next click “Apply”. If the name is entered correctly the shop will come up!

Option 2: You can also search for shops in the Shop and Business Index at the bottom of each page. Click on the shop you want and it will take you directly to their page. Good luck and happy shopping!
Black Friday Weekend Sales!!

The Village is kicking off the holiday shopping season with large Black Friday Weekend sales! Gifts, fabric, dresses, etc will all be included for a limited time! Enjoy browsing the bargains while you look for the perfect gift or new fabric and dresses! This sale will start on Thursday, Thanksgiving day, and continue through Monday the 30th. Click HERE or the link below to start shopping Black Friday deals from the comfort of your home!
Some shops have chosen to post a store wide coupon on their store fronts!! Keep in mind that these shops will not be listed in the Black Friday Sales category. You will find them throughout The Village. Included are farmhousefabrics, The Farm Girl, and possibly others. HAPPY SHOPPING! And HAPPY HOLIDAYS to each of you from The Village!
Gift Exchange Ideas!

Believe it or not, the holiday season is nearly here! Some of us have likely been discussing the gift question with our families. “Are we doing gifts this year?” “Shall we draw names?” “Or do a grab bag?” Should we have a theme?” I thought it would be fun to have a post on the topic! What is a favorite gift exchange idea you have done in the past? Or, what are you thinking of trying this year? Share your ideas with the rest of us if you would like!
Campfire Cookin’!

It’s that time of year! Many of us have been soaking up the beautiful fall weather, and possibly digging out the camping gear and heading for the woods! I’ve enjoyed listening to the fun things my friends have been doing outdoors and it’s especially interesting to hear what they have been cooking! Yummy cobblers in Dutch ovens, stone soup suppers, flame kissed steaks, you name it! A new one to me this year has been cream can suppers. I had never heard of the like but sounds unique and delicious! We decided to do a little something different here on the signboard post this time. This post is open for comments! Do you have something fun you have tried over the fire this fall? Or a ole family favorite recipe? Share it with the rest of us! It would be great to hear what ya’ll have cookin’!
NEW!! Shop Reviews!! and Follows!
hey! y’all! We have a new feature opened up on The Village! It is called Shop Reviews! Follow these simple steps to Leave a review on your favorite shops to help them out! Also another feature that we want to mention that has been available for some time but we have not talked much about is the “Follow button”. Each shop has one and when you click it, you will get notified when these shops post new items. You will get an email 1-2 times a week with the list of all the shops you have followed and their new products, coupons etc. You can click on the items in the email and go directly to them! pretty cool! following are some instructions on how to do this…

Now on that FOLLOW button.

The Summer’s End

The Summer’s End
© Pat A. Fleming
The familiar rhythm of the cricket’s chirps
Create the soundtrack for each day,
Echoing Summer’s end
And that Autumn’s on her way.
The stifling heat of the summer sun
Is now tempered by the clouds.
Those fluffy, cotton August clouds,
That soft breezes push about.
Shadows falling everywhere
As the sun plays peek-a-boo.
Losing her strength with each new day,
A sure sign that Summer is through.
As the lazy, care-free summer days,
Reluctantly draw to an end.
Excitement grows for what’s ahead,
As school days and the Fall begin.
And no matter how the years may pass,
And how old I come to be,
I’ll always love this time of year,
As it holds such fond memories
Of sitting with my childhood friends,
Recalling all our fun
While running, swimming and riding bikes
Beneath the summer sun.
And sharing all our hopes and dreams
As the future stirs us on.
Knowing as we sit on that late, August eve,
Summer’s ending, but her memory lives on.
But there’s also a haunting sadness sometimes
That I feel when those dark shadows fall.
And that my greatest adventures in life
Are just memories, now aroused by those sweet cricket calls.