Litwiller Maple Syrup

Litwiller Maple Syrup

Maple syrup

About Litwiller Maple Syrup

Making maple syrup has been in our family since 1983. It started out in the garage here on the yard with a small open pan. After 5 years or so folks decided it was time to expand a bit and built a small shed here on our property. After Dad passed away in 2002 the boys continued on with the tradition of making maple syrup every spring. Now two of the brothers run it as a side business to the dairy farm they also have, although their other siblings still enjoy coming over and helping out as needed. As time went on we have continued with expanding our maple syrup business. We now use a 3'x12' wood fired evaperator with a steam away. We filter our syrup through a filter twice before bottling it. We recently upgraded to a vacuum system in our maple woods. Maple syrup season is a highly looked forward to event here. We spend our evenings in the syrup shed with our small children while the men cook the sap down into syrup. We love to have visitors stop in and look around so if you are in the area during maple syrup season, come on over!